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About the Writing Dog

Welcome to the home of The Writing Dog, aka; Scripto Canem.

Double Leo. Vegetarian. Peace advocate. Astrologer. Astronomer. Literary omnivore. Poet. Screenwriter. Short stories. Dreamer. Coffee connoisseur. Reformer. Animal lover. Striving spirit. Raging angel. Grandfather. Military brat. Military veteran. Teacher. Editor. Author. Insomniac. Driven. 100 mph guy in a 50 mph world. 

dog with writing tools and books

Please sign up to receive, on a not so regular schedule, an email about what has happened, what is happening, or what is planned to happen in our world. It might be bits of poems, news, or writings that I hope will pique your interest.
** Most importantly, be assured your information will be kept private.